Technical info

In these pages, we hope to guide you through the process of buying a vehicle like this, and converting it into a camper.

If there is anything you’d like to chat with us about, please get in touch!

First things first

Why bother? Why would you go to the expense of buying a big fat truck like this and converting into a camper?

Driving test! An explanation of what is involved and some tips for how to pass as easily as possible.

Where to buy. A list of places to buy from with some useful information about each.

Sources of information. Other places to help with your research!

But what about the dog? Some words and thoughts about how to deal with this dog thing.

Truck cab interior

Soundproofing and thermal insulation. If like me you want your cab to be quiet and cosy, this will really help you out.

Heating. Some guidance on heating your cab, in addition to the standard heaters.

Power and lighting and sound system. The cab is quite sparse as standard, so here we discuss few electrical extras and how to install them.

Storage. Some information on the sorts of storage that might be useful in the cab.


Torsion-free subframe.

Box construction.


Motorbike and spare wheel storage.

Fuel tanks.

Locker boxes.

Habitation box interior

Heating and hot water.

Fresh water.

Furniture construction.